Hey! Thanks for clicking! Yes, 20% off EVERYTHING. We’ve never done this before. We’ll never do it again!

That statement is likely to evoke one of two responses from you, depending on if you’re a consumer, or in the trade. I’ll answer from both angles …
SHORT VERSION: There is NO DISCOUNT CODE, all products are reduced already, so feel free to go back to the homepage and start browsing now for insanely good value beer.
I am a Beer Consumer! I love this sale. Do more please?
Thanks for your support. But, this will be rare, if not a unique event entirely.. We offer 10% off codes semi-regularly to try and hook new or lapsed customers. That’s fairly standard. But at 20%, some of these lines we list, we are literally breaking even on if there’s a free ship option also.
Hours of work for no money. Doesn’t make much sense right? Not really -no. There’s more though.
There’s a rise in breweries going into Supermarkets, a rise in “too cheap beer boxes”, and a real pattern of both breweries and bottleshops having to slash prices month on month to try and compete.
In an industry absolutely rocked by COVID and with VERY little support, we see why some are joining this race to the bottom. We are not though. If we can’t make selling beer work for us, we’d rather bow out gracefully than damage our fellows in the industry with unreasonable pricing at the same time…
So you may ask, if we have those “principle” things – why are we doing this anyway? Read on..
I own a beer shop – stop it
Hello, fellow beer shop owner! See below for the real why of this – but as well as the above, we’d like to make clear. Multiple breweries offering too cheap multi buy deals to consumers have been de listed by us in the last month or two.
And you’ll be frustrated we’re putting this sale out. Rest assured it’s a one off. This weekend is to help us move beer. And move beer we dearly need to do.
Stop signalling and tell us why already
Sure! It’s simple really, we have about 1000 physical beers too many in store at present. It’s a genuine health and safety hazard.
Weekly online events, and their overstocks (the spares as we always buy by the the case), US and EU hype chasing, and plenty more reasons (Dave! stop buying so many IPAs and imperial stouts) over the course of Lockdown 3.0 have put us in a position where we cannot open to the public. Except we are – from Tuesday.
So we need to move a bunch of beer, fast. And whilst I will do my best to drink at least 200 of them this weekend – we need help.
So we’re going to launch a bunch of silly value beer out to our wonderful supporters as a final thank you for supporting us all during lockdown – and then be much more careful with how many lines we bring in thereafter.
So that’s it really. But rest assured, this is a one time thing. If you’re a customer: BUY SOMETHING THIS WEEKEND, it is a one-off. If you’re a bottleshop, rest assured, IT IS A ONE OFF. We hope you can understand why.
Enjoy the megasale.