A Hoppy Place’s Beery Relaunch
With it now confirmed that July the 19th will be, whatever you make of it, the ‘great unlocking’ – we can now tease out the rest of our plans for this month! Plus tell you a little bit more about how we’re planning to handle things.
Firstly, and most importantly. We want to host as many beery events as possible. We miss you all. We know we’ve seen loads of you, but it’s not been quite the same. With masks on, and table service, we’ve not really gotten to enjoy the bar with you all. So we’re incredibly excited to go “back to normal” (more or less!). Here’s everything we’ve got lined up:

That’s 8 huge beery events in the next 5 weeks, and even a bottleshare monday (our chance to sit down with you, drink the homebrew, share the saison, whatever it is. We’ve not had once since January 2020 so it’s quite the thing).
The full announcement for our BIRTHDAY PARTY will go out in about a week, but expect DUAL MEET THE BREWERS from fantastic breweries who’ve supported us. and vice versa, throughout the last year and a half of trials and tribulations. It’s going to be huge.
You’ll also definitely want to keep the 27th free for the most ambitious and exciting meet the brewer we’ve ever done.
But before all that – there’s our “restriction free relaunch” on the 24th/25th:

At time of writing, Friday availability is limited. Saturday a little better. But in case you’re wondering, what’s the format exactly?
We’ll be pushing tables to the side, giving people perches for their beers, and inviting you all to make our lives easy: Come to the bar and order yourself a beer! It’ll never catch on. Beyond that, there’ll still be Pizza from Enzo, or feel free to buy some bar snacks from us. And then just the small matter of over 200 beers to work through. Plus plenty of tunes, we’re taking playlist requests, let’s have a time of it.
Your ticket (Friday limited, saturday still steady) earns you two drinks AND a bag of swag. Link:
Don’t forget that there’s also the FREE TO ATTEND Amp Cats gig on SUNDAY the 25th. 17:00-close. But as space is super limited, expect to arrive earlier than 5 to ensure you can get in! Fomo disclaimer very very active here as we’ve had huge interest. Hair of the dog? Why not have it with fantastic music.
There’s also just a couple of Beer School Tickets left

This will be Dave and Naomi’s first chance to host a tasting in person since Feb 2020 as well. VERY limited tickets left for this, below:
Um, can we briefly talk about masks and risk…
Of course. From the 19th, A HOPPY PLACE will be mask optional. If you want to wear one when standing, feel free. If you don’t want to wear one, feel free. Allow each side their choice. Staff have the same choice.
In short, we’re going back to normal – but know that some people are either more vulnerable, or are new to all of this. To reiterate, if someone either does, or does not, want to wear a mask: We are allowing them that choice. It’s not up to you to tell them how to behave! However, We have also installed a brand new air conditioning unit in the bar, and will continue to keep the front and rear doors open for additional ventilation. The bar is therefore very genuinely going to be safer with people standing and increased capacity than it was seated, but with the doors closed. Rest assured we care deeply about this.
The short version of our rule – is simple: Be nice. But feel free to ask us if you’ve any thoughts on this, as long as you remember this rule when you do so!
It’s party time
We’ve had 18 months with restrictions and just 5 months without them. We can’t wait to welcome you all back. We can’t wait to run A Hoppy Place again. To share drinks with you all, to host events for you all – and quite probably, to nurse hangovers with quite a few of you, in the coming weeks …
Cheers for now!