RSVP to A Hoppy Place’s Third Birthday

In just over a week, A Hoppy Place turns three years old!
6th August with Meet the Brewer starting at 18:30 and a party ’til late’.
Oh my. Where did the time go.
If our new Maidenhead site looks all craft industrial cool, then Windsor always feels to us like popping to your mates house for a drink. Good people, great beer, even better atmosphere.
And our first love in the next week turns 3. Three years old. Indeed! Where did the time go? Oh yeah, we remember. A national pandemic…
Join us to celebrate. Not the pandemic bit. The us being here to talk about it bit.
For a VERY exclusive 4-tap takeover with Reading’s Dolphin Brewery. 4 doesn’t sound much you say? Well it’s one of every commercial beer Dolphin have ever put in tap. Only for their first trade show at Craft Theory, and now here with us – have four kegs been pouring from Dolphin this traditional bottle only brewery, at the same time.
Of course, this’ll be alongside a wide range of other casks and kegs, and just maybe a few special birthday beers being brought in.
Not only that – we’ve got a late license and will be doing beer and party until Cinderella’s stagecoach turns back into a Pumpkin.
And of course, there were big parts of the pandemic where we weren’t sure we’d make it through. So to have our third birthday of OG hoppy planned out, is a relief, and really exciting. We can’t wait to have a few beers with our first love and a great many of the people who pulled us through.
Come along. Celebrate our turning 3. It means so much to us.